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Rajasthan High Court LDC Answer Key 19 March 2023

Q41. शुद्ध वाक्य नहीं है-

(1) इस बात के स्पष्टीकरण की आवश्यकता है।

(2) मैंने उनकी बहुत प्रतीक्षा की।

(3) वह विलाप करके रोने लगा।

(4) उसने अपने पाँव से जूता उतारा।

Answer: C

Q42. किस विकल्प में अशुद्ध विलोमता है?

(1) हार-जीत, अग्र- पश्च

(2) सुकर-दुष्कर, स्याह-सफेद

(3) सापेक्ष-निरपेक्ष, भ्रान्त-निर्भ्रान्त

(4) विज्ञ सुविज्ञ, ऋत-अनृत

Answer: D

Q43. “आप पहले ही काफी ऋण ले चुके हैं फिर भी और ऋण लेने का इरादा रखते हैं। याद रखिए । वाक्य में रिक्त स्थान हेतु उपयुक्त लोकोक्ति है-

(1) जो पहले मारे सो मीर।

(2) जो गुड़ खाए वही कान छिदाए।

(3) ज्यों-ज्यों भीजे कामरी, त्यों-त्यों भारी होय।

(4) ज्यों-ज्यों मुर्गी मोटी हो, त्यों-त्यों दुम सिकुड़े।

Answer: C

Q44. किस समूह में सभी शब्द पर्यायवाची हैं?

(1) भिक्षा, याचकवृत्ति, मधुकरी

(2) अपर्णा, रुद्राणी, सिंधुजा

(3) निशा, यामिनी, रजनीचर

(4) राधिका, वृषभानुजा, महिषी

Answer: A

Q45. अशुद्ध शब्द है-

(1) अभ्यन्तर

(2) प्रज्जवलित

(3) अधिशासी

(4) योगिराज

Answer: B

Q46. ‘टीका’ शब्द का अर्थ नहीं होता-

(1) तिलक

(2) विशेष गहना

(3) घमण्ड

(4) व्याख्या

Answer: C

Q47. किस शब्द में ‘गार’ प्रत्यय का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है?

(1) यादगार

(2) सभागार

(3) मददगार

(4) गुनहगार

Answer: B

Q48. किस विकल्प में मुहावरे का युक्तियुक्त अर्थ नहीं है?

(1) पेंदे के बल बैठना – पराभव मानना

(2) छठी का राजा – कठिन परिश्रम करने वाला

(3) छाती उमड़ आना – प्रेम या करुणा से गद्गद होना

(4) पेट में पांव होना – छली-कपटी होना

Answer: *

Q49. निम्नलिखित शब्दों पर विचार कीजिए-

(अ) विटप (ब) भूधर (स) द्रुम (द) पल्लव किस विकल्प में सभी शब्द ‘वृक्ष के पर्याय हैं?

(1) अ, ब

(2) ब, स

(3) स, द

(4) अ. स

Answer: D

Q50. ‘दारु-दारू’ का सही अर्थ है-

(1) स्त्री – शराब

(2) लकड़ी शराब

(3) शराब दवाई

(4) दवा स्त्री

Answer: C

Q51. Change the following Exclamatory sentence into Assertive: How beautiful is the night!

(1) The night appears to be beautiful.

(2) The night is very beautiful.

(3) Beautiful is the night.

(4) Night seems to be beautiful.

Answer: B

Q52. Choose the correct meaning of the Italicised Idiom: Beware of that fellow.

He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

(1) Formidable

(2) Hypocrite

(3) Completely insane

(4) Agile

Answer: B

Q53. Fill in the blank with the correct option:

Ia play by Pinter.

(1) am reading.

(2) reading

(3) have reading

(4) had been read

Answer: A

Q54. Choose the correct option of the italicized word:

Answer the first question before you proceed furture.

(1) further

(2) farther

(3) fatter

(4) farthest

Answer: A

Q55. Choose the correct Active transformation of the given Passive:

There is no shop to be let.

(1) There is no shop to let.

(2) Let there be shops to let.

(3) Let me have shops.

(4) Shops are there to be let.

Answer: A

Q56. The sentence has been broken up into four parts. Choose the part which is grammatically and meaningfully wrong:

(1) For the young and the motivated

(2) in our country is lot of

(3) opportunities and promises

(4) of meaningful start ups.

Answer: B

Q57. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank space:

After the French Police had successfully used dogs, the German authorities too of using them.

(1) think

(2) are thinking

(3) thought

(4) will think.

Answer: C

Q58. Choose the correct negative of the following affirmative sentence:

We tried every plan.

(1) We left no plan untried.

(2) Every plan was not tried.-

(3) Tried not any plan.

(4) No plan was tried well.

Answer: A

Q59. Choose the correct Active transformation of the given Passive:

Notice was taken down.

(1) They took down the notice.

(2) Notice has been taken down.

(3) They will take the notice down..

(4) None of the above

Answer: A

Q60. Choose the correct Indirect form of the following Direct speech sentence:

“We had better go”, said she getting up.

(1) She said getting up that they had better go.

(2) She said in a hurry to go.

(3) She said we must go better.

(4) She said getting up to go that it was better.

Answer: A

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